Can You Fail a Hair Drug Test from Second Hand Smoke?

Can You Fail a Hair Drug Test from Secondhand Smoke? Myth Busted
If you’ve ever been in a room where others smoked marijuana, you might worry about the implications of drug testing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that secondhand marijuana smoke does contain delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive chemical in cannabis. However, despite the presence of THC, the chances of failing a hair follicle drug test or any other drug test from secondhand exposure are very low.
This is reassuring for those with work or educational commitments that require maintaining a drug-free status. Although the smoke can leave a scent on your clothing, mere exposure to the fumes is unlikely to result in a positive test. Let's dispel these myths and address your concerns about secondhand smoke once and for all.
The Real Risk of Failing Drug Tests from Secondhand Marijuana Smoke

Studies from the 1980s suggested a correlation between secondhand smoke and drug test failures, but these were notably flawed. THC levels in secondhand smoke are up to 100 times lower than those inhaled directly, making it unlikely to affect most drug tests significantly. While highly sensitive, hair drug tests typically require intense, prolonged exposure in unventilated areas to detect THC from secondhand smoke.
According to the National Library of Medicine, intense exposure to passive smoke can lead to detectable THC levels in both blood and urine tests, especially in unventilated settings where individuals have occasionally tested positive.
However, in well-ventilated environments, THC levels usually drop below detectable thresholds, keeping the risk of failing a drug test due to passive smoke relatively low.
For utmost reassurance, avoiding environments where heavy smoking occurs can eliminate this minimal risk. In essence, while secondhand smoke does contain THC, the practical risk it poses for failing a hair follicle drug test is minimal, addressing a major concern for many in drug-free employment or educational scenarios.
How Fair Follicle Testing Works

Hair follicle tests are a solution often used by parents or employers who have questions regarding the drug use of a child or employee. They can also be used by individuals who want to test themselves to find out if a drug is still present in their system.
The hair testing provided by Countrywide allows for a full 90-day drug history report based on a sample of 90-120 strands of hair cut from the scalp. These strands should be at least 1.5 inches long. Results of this type of test are usually available in 3-7 business days from the receipt of the sample.
This test is incredibly effective at detecting even minor traces of drugs. They are likely the only test that has the potential to report secondhand marijuana use. Hair follicle tests are so effective at picking up secondhand smoke inhalation that they have come under some scrutiny regarding their reliability in determining whether a person has truly smoked marijuana.
Because of this, when it comes to marijuana, hair tests are considered to not be the most reliable option, at least in situations such as post-accident testing or reasonable suspicion testing. It’s best to use hair follicle tests when there is a reason to believe the marijuana use has been long-term.
Ideally, in situations where secondhand smoke is a potential issue, blood tests, which can provide more reliable results, should also be used.
Why Countrywide Testing?
The best way to find out whether or not marijuana is in your system or the system of someone you know is always to utilize professional marijuana drug tests. Countrywide carries a wide selection including urine, mouth swab, and hair tests.
If you have any questions regarding the testing process, how it works, or whether or not a certain product is right for your situation, we are here to help. Our support phone number is (469) 389-2120 and you can also utilize our online contact form.